How to pack a suitcase? A handful of ingenious tricks
Fashion hacks

How to pack a suitcase? A handful of ingenious tricks

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Many of us have certainly had the problem of packing a suitcase at some point. The amount of things we eventually want to take with us always surprises us. How to pack a suitcase so that you don’t give up on your prepared items? Read on to find out!

Packing is not that easy at all, especially when we have to take care of clothes for the whole family, for a long time. Additionally, when space is limited, we have to skillfully choose the things we need and creatively manage the space. How to prepare clothes for a trip, so that they do not get crumpled in the suitcase? Knowing these tricks will certainly make it easier for you!

Make a plan for your trip

The most important thing is organization. Make a list of the things you need to take. Maybe you can create a list that you can use every time you go? Carefully analyze the weather of the place you are going to. This will give you an idea of what type of clothing you should prepare. If you’re traveling by air, make sure you have appropriate containers to pour liquids into. Most airlines allow up to 100 ml

How to pack your suitcase?

The most important rule; roll your clothes instead of folding them. This is ideal for extra space in your suitcase and a way to get rid of creased clothes. Your accommodation may not have access to an iron, and taking one is often not necessary

Think about what you will need first. If you’re planning a longer trip and you get there at night, put the things you’ll need most on top. If your suitcase has side pockets, use them for tissues or other hygienic items. Your makeup bag, towel, and pajamas should be on top. The heaviest items should be at the bottom of the suitcase. Heavy sweatshirts, extra pairs of shoes, or jackets packed on the bottom will prevent unused space

In addition, delicate blouses lying on top will not be crushed by heavy items. When planning to buy a suitcase, make sure it is made of high-quality materials and has sturdy handles

Don’t part with your carry-on bag

There are often situations when checked baggage disappears at the airport along with its contents. Finding it later is quite a challenge and a source of nerves. The most valuable things, such as your laptop, expensive jewelry or camera, should be in your shoulder bag. When it comes to storing your documents, passport, and tickets, a kidney that can be clipped to your waist and tucked under your sweatshirt works great. There is no shortage of pickpockets, and this solution is very safe and will ensure that you arrive at your destination with peace of mind

Going away for a few days usually means choosing different footwear. Flip-flops for the shower or beach, trekking shoes or stilettos for a bigger outing. Depending on where you’re going, put the bulkiest shoes on your feet. This practice will save you a lot of space and make your suitcase weigh a little less

A trick that not everyone knows is stacking a hat. This piece of clothing will work great in warm countries, although transporting it can be a hassle. Stack your hat with the brim facing your suitcase. Use the convex part for swimsuits, socks or bras.

Stock up on several linen bags for dirty clothes. Do not throw stained and sweaty blouses loose in your suitcase. This will result in you having to replace all your clothes after a while and clean the suitcase. Also, try to roll your dirty clothes to save space.

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