DIY – 3 . recipes for homemade masks to moisturize your skin
Beauty careDIY

DIY – 3 . recipes for homemade masks to moisturize your skin

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Homemade masks are becoming more and more popular. They are a great alternative for those ready-made ones available in drugstores. Check how to make them yourself!

More and more people resign from buying ready face masks in drugstores and prefer to make them on their own. Especially that it is not complicated. Home-made products have the advantage that we know what we have used and we are sure that they do not contain any chemical additives that could additionally irritate the skin and cause allergy

Homemade moisturizing masks – why should you use them?

Homemade masks have the advantage that their composition can be modified – improved and adjusted to individual needs of our skin. Thanks to this we have a product that will be really effective. In addition, we prepare as much cosmetic as we really need, so nothing is wasted. And we do not have to make a drugstore stock – it only takes a moment to have the product we need. Besides, there is no need to fool ourselves – homemade cosmetics are much cheaper than those from drugstores

Moisturizing cucumber mask

To make a homemade cucumber mask, you will need:

  • a medium-sized fresh cucumber,
  • a few teaspoons of lemon juice,
  • egg white.

First, peel the cucumber and cut into cubes or half-slices. Then blend until smooth. Now we need to get rid of excess water, it is best to strain it through a sieve. Put the resulting pulp into a bowl, squeeze a few drops of lemon juice and add egg white. Stir intensively until the ingredients are combined. You can also add a few drops of vitamin A or argan oil. Apply the mask on the face and neckline, avoiding the eye area. Leave on the skin for about 25 minutes and rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water. Use it 2-3 times a week and what is important – prepare it just before use, it should not be kept in a fridge.

If you want your mask to have additional refreshing properties you can add to it a bit of blended or finely chopped mint

Cucumber is very often used in cosmetics. Extracts from this vegetable are very popular in facial products. All because they have strong moisturizing, softening, as well as brightening properties. It is also used in cosmetics as a moisturizer, to reduce the appearance of dark circles under the eyes, acne scars and to lighten freckles. Cucumber gently reduces sebum secretion

Honey, oatmeal and argan oil mask

If you have dry skin, it is worth using a mask made of honey and oatmeal. To prepare it you need

  • a tablespoon of ground oatmeal,
  • a tablespoon of honey,
  • a few drops of argan oil

All the ingredients put into a bowl and mix thoroughly until combined. The obtained slurry is applied carefully on a cleansed face and left for about 15-20 minutes. Then thoroughly wash the mask with lukewarm water

Honey has an antibacterial effect and helps to fight inflammation, that is why the mask is also recommended for people with acne. It also moisturizes, firms, reduces wrinkles and maintains proper moisture level. In combination with oatmeal it lightly exfoliates dead skin and smoothes the complexion. There is a lot to be said about the properties of argan oil. It perfectly moisturizes, firms, regenerates, protects against free radicals and accelerates the healing of minor wounds or scars. And what is more, it rejuvenates the skin – not without a reason it is called “the elixir of youth”

Banana mask

Few people know that banana is not only delicious, but also perfectly suitable as a face mask. It perfectly moisturizes, brightens blemishes and nourishes, leaving your complexion healthy and radiant. It also makes us stay young longer and skin imperfections are less noticeable. All thanks to the richness of vitamins and minerals that can be found in the fruit

To prepare a banana mask we will need

  • half a banana,
  • a tablespoon of honey.

The fruit is mashed or blended and honey is added. Apply the whole mixture to the face and neckline for about 20 minutes, after that time wash it off thoroughly. If you have problems with discoloration – it is worth adding a few drops of lemon. You can also add other ingredients (according to your needs) such as turmeric, yogurt or soda

To make homemade masks effective, you need to remember to apply them on clean skin (do not forget about regular exfoliation – thanks to it the ingredients of other cosmetics are better absorbed). Regularity is also important – treatments should be repeated several times a week.

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