Cosmetics with hemp oil: effective or just a marketing ploy?
Beauty care

Cosmetics with hemp oil: effective or just a marketing ploy?

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First appeared CBD oils, which took the accounts of influencers by storm. They praised the precious properties of specifics and their high effectiveness in the fight against stress, fatigue and insomnia. Manufacturers of cosmetics have noticed a clear increase in interest in hemp, so without delay they added it to their products. Is it worth getting interested in cosmetics with CBD oils?

On drugstore shelves, you can increasingly see new lines of cosmetics enriched with precious CBD oils. Manufacturers praise the high efficiency and multi-tasking of their specifications, but are these assurances actually covered by reality or just a marketing ploy?

Hemp oil – properties

Hemp oil is rich in omega 3 and omega 6 unsaturated fatty acids, as well as minerals and vitamins such as A, D, E and K. What is more, it also contains phytosterols, which show anticancer effects, as well as phospholipids. The latter are an important building block of cell membranes. Thanks to the cosmetics containing hemp oil have an anti-aging, regenerating, nourishing and highly moisturizing effect.

CBD has gained popularity thanks to its analgesic properties, relieving the effects of stress, as well as accelerating the regeneration of the body. It is worth mentioning, however, that cosmetics enriched with oils are also antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, so effectively calm inflammation, soothe irritation and acne symptoms.

Which cosmetics are worth buying?

Eye cream with hemp oil will provide deep moisturization of delicate skin in this area, smooth out wrinkles, as well as regenerate, nourish and eliminate redness.

It is also worth including in your care shampoos or rubs with hemp oil, which thanks to their antifungal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties regulate sebum secretion, quench skin inflammation and calm dandruff problems.

Due to the properties mentioned above, cosmetics with hemp oil should also be of interest to people with skin problems, especially acne. Thanks to it, you will calm inflammation, minimize redness, irritation, dryness, as well as accelerate regeneration.

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