7 Myths About Proper Skin Care
Beauty care

7 Myths About Proper Skin Care

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Every skin needs to be taken care of. The more we care about healthy and young looking skin, the more we should know about its care. Not infrequently on the Internet there are contradictory and untrue opinions on this subject. Many people without proper knowledge offer various methods that are not able to help, and may even do harm. Learn about 7 skin care myths.

1. Skincare oils can’t hurt

Recently, the use of various oils has become very fashionable. It used to be thought that oils clog skin pores. Of course, this is not the case, because they are light and well absorbed. However, if used incorrectly, they can dry out the skin. Depending on the type, their effect can vary, so it is very important that oils are an addition to your skincare routine, not its main ingredient. Before introducing oils into your daily skin care ritual, it is worth carefully checking the effects and composition of individual products.

2. The ideal cream for everyone

Many advertisements and promotional campaigns ensure that their product is the best for everyone. Unfortunately, the perfect product does not exist and you have to accept that. In many cases, it so happens that cosmetics praised on the Internet adversely affect the condition of our skin, and long used creams after a while cease to have a beneficial effect on the skin. Our skin is unique and constantly changing, so there is no ideal product for all skin types. Therefore, its care should be selected strictly according to individual skin needs.

3. You should not use moisturizing creams for oily skin

Another harmful myth. Many people think that moisturizing creams are only for dry and sensitive skin. Nothing could be further from the truth. Lack of moisturization of oily skin can result in the appearance of local dryness and general problems with the condition of the skin and even increase excessive sebum production. Every skin needs proper care, and the most important is to moisturize it, regardless of the type.

4. Using sunscreen only in the summer

A long time ago one of the most widely repeated myths about the use of sunscreen creams was accepted. Many people mistakenly believe that the winter sun rays do not harm the skin. This is not the case, so also in winter you should protect your skin against the harmful effects of UV rays. Using sunscreen is very important, especially when using various types of acids and enzymatic peels. After such treatments, you need to protect your skin, because even in winter, the sun’s rays can cause damage in the form of burns.

5. The more expensive cream, the better composition and action

In our culture has adopted the myth that only luxury cosmetics are able to positively affect the appearance of our skin, as well as that the more expensive the product, the better its composition

However, it is not uncommon for luxury products to have a similar or even worse composition than drugstore ones. Currently, there are many good and cheap cosmetics on the market, so proper care does not have to cost a lot.

6. Do not use exfoliation on dry skin

Dry or dehydrated skin is more prone to flaking than oily skin, which is why scrubs should also be performed on this type of skin. It is important to properly choose a cosmetic for individual needs of our skin. With dry skin are usually recommended fine-grained or enzymatic scrubs. This type of cosmetics reduce the possibility of skin irritation.

7. Washing face with soap

One of the most common mistakes in skin care, especially prone to eczema, is the use of soap. Our skin has a different pH than soap. Depriving the skin of its natural filter acts very negatively on pores and pimples, thus increasing skin problems. In addition, soap (especially gray) very strongly dries the skin, making it porous and prone to various types of imperfections.

The type of skin care should depend mainly on its type and personal predispositions. It is not worth using all the methods learned on the Internet. It is necessary to devote a considerable amount of time to study the subject of appropriate skin care. Incorrect care of the skin can contribute to its faster aging or deterioration of its condition. That is why it is best to check every piece of information you learn about skin care before you incorporate it into your daily ritual.

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