What plants to choose for the bathroom?
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What plants to choose for the bathroom?

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Corridor, living room, kitchen, bedroom, stairs – in these places in the house you can most often find plants. However, there is no obstacle to place them also in the bathroom. Many of them feel well in such conditions. There are plenty of species of plants all over the world and each of them needs different conditions. Some like sunny places, others prefer to hide in partial shade. Some prefer permanently wet soil, while others can be dried out a little every now and then. There are also those that require a lot of attention, which need to be frequently fertilized, replanted or the leaves wiped of dust or regularly sprayed with water.

So there’s nothing to stop you from enjoying beautiful plants in your bathroom too. You can easily find plants that feel at home in rooms where there is usually no window and the air is quite humid. Plants of tropical origin are best. However, you have to make sure that the roots don’t grow too large and that you don’t have to move them to a bigger pot. Below are the plants that will work best in the bathroom.


Zamioculcas is classified as one of the so-called iron plants. Its unusual appearance and dark green, thick leaves are perfect for bathroom decor. It is extremely decorative. Zamioculkas easily adapts to the conditions in which it comes to grow. It is not afraid of lack of sunlight or access to fresh air. It is an undemanding, hardy plant, which also doesn’t like frequent watering.

Golden Epipremnum

Epipremnum is an evergreen plant that, like the previous one, also has almost no requirements. It can easily withstand irregular watering or lack of sunlight. In addition, the climber can be a striking decoration, if you hook it to a mirror, cabinet, or even you can run it along the ceiling.


Dracaena is one of those plants that can be bought in almost every hypermarket. It is striking, and at the same time undemanding. It easily adapts to conditions it finds. Although it grows slower in shade, its leaves are greener then and still as beautiful.


Ferns are shade-loving by nature and prefer damp rooms. This means that they will be perfect in any bathroom. However, you have to remember that growing them is not the easiest thing to do – first of all, you can’t forget to water your ferns regularly.


Wingflower is also one of the plants that likes shade and moisture. With proper care, it can bloom all year round – and its white flowers look very elegant, contrasting with the intense green of the leaves. This plant is a very stylish ornament in the bathroom. When it runs out of water, the leaves flap – but just by topping up with water, they all quickly rise again.

Sternberg’s fern

Sternberg’s foxglove is a flowerless plant – its ornament is the leaves, which you can run under the ceiling or along a cupboard. It can be found in almost any conditions, including bathrooms. Sternberg’s herb also has a special ability to remove toxins and pollutants from the air. You need to be careful not to overwater it – then it can be a big problem with its recovery.


Croton is a tropical plant with very decorative leaves – large, multicolored and shiny. But you have to be aware that it is quite demanding – it likes higher temperature, humidity and light. It is not harmed even by harsh sun, if you set it on a windowsill. The more light there is, the more colors will appear on its leaves. Increasingly on the market there are shade-loving crotons, which are more durable and better adapted to the conditions that prevail in the bathroom.


The monstera is undoubtedly one of the most popular potted flowers found in homes. Its leaves with holes and deep cuts look very elegant. There are no contraindications to place monstera also in the bathroom. It grows well in partial shade and does not require special care. Keep in mind that the monstera does not tolerate lingering water in the pot.

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