These plants effectively purify the air in your home
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These plants effectively purify the air in your home

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Plants can be found in almost every apartment. Many people decide on them for aesthetic and decorative reasons, but there is also a growing interest in those that purify the air in the apartment. Which one to choose?

Unfortunately, we spend most of our time in a tightly closed urban space. We move from work to home, from home to shopping to malls, and on and on. It is also becoming increasingly common for many people to develop allergies for no particular reason. Perhaps we should link this fact to the quality of the air we breathe every day? Recurring sinus pains, troublesome migraines, sluggishness or chronic fatigue are common complaints. Many people do not know, however, that their cause may be the poor quality of air. Plants, which cleanse it, may help.

The horsetail – it is not only a decorative plant

The horsetail is a pot plant. It has large, decorative, dark green leaves with characteristic – contrasting white flowers. Among its greatest advantages is its durability. This flower can withstand almost any conditions, only severe frosts weaken it. It is a great plant for people who admit that they do not have the so-called hand to flowers.What is the best place for a horsetail? The plant feels best in shady areas. Low air humidity and pollution do not bother the flower either. It will resist toxic substances emitted by furniture, carpets as well as household equipment made of plastic materials. These are mainly volatile organic compounds such as benzene and acetone. Benzene can be contained in wood waxes, varnishes or paints; acetone – in cleaning products and cosmetics. However, keep in mind that horsetail is toxic to animals and humans. Caution – this plant is toxic to cats, dogs and children and on closer contact may cause burning, swelling or irritation of the skin. Therefore, it should be placed away from the reach of little ones and pets.

Ferns in fashion again

Ferns are one of the most popular plants which we decide to decorate our apartment with. This flower, once adored by grandmothers, is back in fashion. What is more, it effectively purifies the air in the house. The undoubted advantage of ferns is that they are easy to maintain, quite cheap and widely available. How to take care of them? They need room temperature and regular watering, but not overwatering, they cannot dry out. They feel best in a short distance from the window, with diffused light.

Ferns as air-purifying plants have the ability to absorb harmful formaldehyde (it is an organic chemical compound, called the poisonous inhabitant of houses, and is also a component of smog). Ferns oxygenate the room, increasing the humidity in it and negatively ionize the air, which positively affects the microclimate in the apartment.

Inverted dracaena

Dracaena feels best in bright places, but not in direct contact with the sun. It likes high temperatures, so in winter it should not be kept in a place where it is less than 15-18 ° C. This plant removes trichloroethylene, xylenes, formaldehyde, benzene, ammonia and carbon monoxide. You can get it at many good florists.

Palm not only on vacation

Palms may associate us a bit with exotic and warm countries, but many of their potted varieties we can get in Poland. Palms cope exceptionally well with formaldehyde and toluene used in cosmetics. As air-purifying plants they also absorb benzene, xylenes and carbon monoxide. They have a good effect on humidifying the air. Palms like sunny places and are fans of fairly dry soil.

Begonia in the fight against pollution

Begonias are plants that clean the air mainly from benzene and pollutants precipitated from toluene (this is a fairly common compound, because it is used in the production of dyes and paints, waxes, solvents, varnishes, rubbers or some detergents). However, it is good to know that begonias are quite demanding in cultivation. They feel best in warm and sunny places, they constantly need fertilizing and watering.

Flowers give the apartment a unique climate, improve the mood and, as you can see – also the air (and therefore health). Not without reason they are called natural air fresheners and purifiers. So it’s worth setting a few pots in the rooms to feel better.

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