Self-dressing – how to get started?

Self-dressing – how to get started?

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Do you have clothes in your closet that you don’t wear but you feel bad to get rid of them? Or maybe the sudden weight loss, caused that they no longer fit you? You don’t have to spend these clothes, you can remake them yourself. It is not difficult at all, sometimes you don’t even need sewing machine!

Why remake clothes?

If you have clothes that you are sentimental about, but have gone out of fashion, no longer fit your body or your style, you can make them fit again. In this way, your mother’s or even grandmother’s clothes can get a new life and become a fashionable part of your closet. Making new clothes in different ways also has a positive impact on the state of our planet, which is slowly being killed by fast fashion. If unfashionable pants or a T-shirt that is torn after three wearings goes into the garbage and you buy new clothes, the amount of garbage in the world will increase all the time. By repurposing and renewing your clothes, you will significantly reduce your carbon footprint

How to refresh old clothes in an easy way?

Your old sweatshirt or shirt can get a new life even if you don’t know how to sew! You can buy a lot of different graphics online to iron on or sew onto your clothes. A small patch of your favourite TV show can cover up a hole, an iron-on can hide a stain or simply add character to a garment. This is a great way for people who have never sewn before or are looking for a quick fix

A way to remodel old pants, for example, to make them a fashionable item of clothing again, can be to cut and fray the legs. A hit that you can buy now in every store are pants with frayed legs in ⅞. Such pants can be made very easily from an old pair of jeans, all you need are sharp scissors and tweezers. First, mark the place where you want to shorten the pants and pin the two layers of fabric together. Cut the leg off evenly, preferably in two steady movements, and pull the threads out of the denim to create a frayed effect

How to alter clothes that are too big?

To sew on clothes that are too big for you, you already need sewing skills on a machine. Don’t be intimidated by this, it’s not difficult, you can find lots of tutorials on You Tube on this subject!

Sewing was very fashionable in communist times, you can ask your grandmother, mother or aunt who used a sewing machine in their youth to help you at the beginning. Getting a blouse or dress to taper correctly can take some work, not only in the sewing itself, but also in the preparation, measuring and fitting. It’s a good idea to prepare well for tapering your clothes so you don’t simply ruin them

Shortening may be a little easier for beginners. If you find an old dress in your mom’s closet that is a little too long for you, don’t write it off! You can easily adjust the length to suit you. Measure carefully and mark where you want the dress or skirt to go. Carefully and evenly cut off the excess material and sew the skirt on the machine

How to choose the right sewing machine?

At first glance, it might seem that all sewing machines are the same and do the same thing – sew. Each machine has slightly different specifications and capabilities. Usually, the more expensive the machine, the more modes and features it has. When choosing a machine, you need to consider your needs and expectations, but it is not worth buying for a completely basic model of machine, even if you are just a beginner. Sewing is nothing difficult, so you will quickly want to complete more advanced projects

When looking for a sewing machine for yourself, you should definitely bet on reliability. Brands, present on the Polish market for years and tried by generations, give us confidence in a good choice. Singer sewing machine is an absolute classic among handicraft enthusiasts. Singer is not only beautiful pre-war machines in museums, the company still operates and releases new models today. Similarly, the cult Polish sewing machine Lucznik, is also identified with durability and reliability. You probably saw such a sewing machine at your grandmother’s house and it probably still works today! This is the best advertisement for this brand

Sewing and altering clothes is not only economical and ecological, but also fun and an opportunity to express yourself. Alter, personalize and wear the clothes that suit you – one of a kind.

Main Photo: cottonbro/

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