
Meditation – an effective way to cope with stress in a pandemic

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Meditation is often associated with religion, though it has little to do with it. It is true that people who pray can meditate at the same time, but meditation itself is not necessarily related to thinking about faith or addressing a deity. The main purpose of meditation is to release bad thoughts and get rid of tension. It helps the body relax considerably and the mind become clearer.

How does meditation help to deal with stress?

Daily functioning, especially in pandemonium, is unfortunately very frustrating. We can’t be sure of tomorrow, many businesses fail, and every employee or entrepreneur is unsure of their job and earnings. The constant strictures placed on us cause anxiety and anger. Meditation will help reduce negative thoughts and can also be a way to cope with difficulties.

Meditation is not meant to completely eliminate negative thoughts, but to better understand them. You will not be able to completely banish your fears because everyday life is full of uncertainty. It is important that a realistic approach to life does not take away all your joy and hope. During each meditation session, your thoughts will wander freely, and you are free to direct them. It is also very helpful to breathe deeply and consciously, which will not only oxygenate your brain but also make your body gradually relax. Stress causes a lot of tension in the body – muscles become more prone to pain, which translates into daily functioning.

Benefits of meditation

  • getting rid of daily tension,
  • understanding yourself,
  • ability to cope with persistent thoughts and fears,
  • calming,
  • better sleep,
  • feeling less stressed,
  • thinking will become clearer

Meditation helps a lot in stressful situations and despite appearances, it is not a difficult art. All you need is a moment of silence and a place where you can comfortably lie down and nobody will disturb you. You don’t have to meditate in the lotus position – many people meditate sitting or lying down. It’s important that your body is as relaxed as possible while you’re meditating. Breathing is also very important – long inhales and exhales will put you in a good mood and soothe your nerves.

How to start meditating?

You can start meditation during the stretching after your workout. This is the time when your body needs to calm down and you calm your breathing. Many people forget the importance of stretching after exercise. If you combine meditation with stretching, it will feel natural and unforced. During gentle stretching, breathe steadily and calmly. Try to breathe in deeply through your nose and out through your mouth. Hold your exhalation until you have expelled all the air. It is very helpful to imagine that as you exhale, you are getting rid of all negative thoughts.

Meditation before bedtime is very helpful. It will help you fall asleep more easily and your sleep will be calmer and more effective. It will be easier for you to calm down if you set the right mood in your bedroom – turn off the lights or leave only a small lamp on, turn off the TV and smartphone notifications. You can also close the door and air out the bedroom beforehand. Begin your meditation by choosing an appropriate position. You can lie on your back, with your hands along your body, or you can meditate in a semi-sitting position. It is important that the position you choose is comfortable for you.

You can start meditating with sessions of a few minutes duration, and then gradually lengthen them. When disturbing thoughts come, use the balloon technique. Visualize the persistent thought and then enclose it in a balloon. Let it float upward and do not return to the persistent thought. Too long dwelling on unpleasant situations, thinking about problems or future obligations is not suitable and healthy for you. You will deal with problems later, and meditation is designed to calm you down and recharge you with good energy

With time, meditation will become much more natural and simple. You will definitely notice that you feel a little lighter, have fewer persistent thoughts and focus better on the current task.

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