Photo wallpapers or stickers – which to choose?

Photo wallpapers or stickers – which to choose?

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Original wall murals and wall stickers are a great way to get rid of boredom in the room. Well matched to the prevailing style of the room they will create an atmosphere almost impossible to imitate. However, a thought arises… What can be a better choice? Photo wallpaper or wall sticker? Find out everything below!

Boredom on the wall – how to avoid it effectively?

Minimalist finishing has reigned in almost every apartment until recently. Today, we rather prefer classic solutions combined with unique accessories. No one is surprised that so many people are willing to decorate their walls in a rather unobvious way. Some will bet on elegant paintings, while others on photo wallpapers or wall stickers. The choice is huge, and this does not make it easier to make a final decision. Depending on your individual preferences and needs, there will be different wall decoration, which will diversify the interior and give it a rare mysteriousness. So what is it worth to decide on?

Photo wall murals – advantages and disadvantages

We could go on and on about the advantages of photo wallpapers and the list could be endless… In a short time they have dominated the interior design industry, at the same time making classic wallpapers disappear into oblivion. Although we can meet them again in many interiors, original wallpapers are one of the most popular solutions. We understand it perfectly! High quality wall murals will allow you to get an amazing effect in just a few moments, while giving the interior a real depth. They work well in almost any room, regardless of its size. What is interesting, they are especially recommended for tiny rooms. In this way they optically enlarge them without fear of disturbing the current arrangement

Unfortunately, this solution is not without flaws. On the contrary! Unlike classic wallpaper, wall murals cannot be glued in any way as they are bought to measure. What does that mean? You have to stick it on the wall according to the instructions so that the whole graphic is shown. In addition, remember that a wall mural that is poorly matched to an interior can have an effect that is far from desirable. Dark wall murals should not be chosen where you want to achieve space, and vice versa.

Wall stickers – advantages and disadvantages

Decorative wall stickers have only recently become so popular. The cost of purchasing and installing them is relatively low, so you shouldn’t have much trouble sticking them on. Mounting a wall mural, however, requires good preparation and a larger surface area. What is the situation when it comes to stickers? The process of sticking them on your wall will not take longer than 20-30 minutes, what is more, you will not have to repaint the wall after removing them. They can be easily removed and replaced with new ones. The undoubted disadvantage of this solution is that they should not be mounted near radiators. Otherwise, they may start to peel off and you will risk wasting time and money. However, wall stickers are usually available in many sizes and shapes, which will allow you to create a unique atmosphere in the room of your choice. If you want to get the effect that a classic wall mural will not give you, a wall sticker will be perfect for you. You can easily create your own composition and enjoy the interior as if from a magazine cover!

Photo wall mural versus wall sticker – what to choose?

Wall murals and stickers seem to be almost identical on the surface. Both solutions are very tasteful and durable, so the choice is not an easy one. You can put any graphic on it or decide on a ready-made pattern. Wall stickers, on the other hand, have been designed to be placed on almost every surface, which, unlike wall murals, will not be possible. So what will be better? When deciding on a change in the prevailing style, you should be guided by your own tastes and financial possibilities. One thing is certain – wall murals and wall stickers will make the interior unique!

Main photo: material from the client

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