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How to make your own garden decorations and create a stylish relaxation zone?

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A garden should be a place that is a decoration for the whole house and an ideal relaxation zone. Especially now that we are spending a lot more time in it!

In the era of the coronavirus pandemic, when travel is banned or largely restricted, gardens have become extremely important to us. This is where we spend most of our free time and regenerate after a hard day. That is why it is worth to make sure that they are stylish and highlight the beauty of our home. It is important to remember that many decorations can be made by ourselves. It will not only be a considerable saving, but also a great satisfaction. In addition, we will also be aware of the uniqueness of our garden

1. Flower pots – how to make them?

It turns out that we do not have to buy flower pots. We can successfully make them ourselves. The best and most durable will be those made of concrete. To create them we need concrete, water, a bucket and a form (these can be different sizes of cardboard boxes). Mix concrete, pour a layer (so that it has a few centimeters) and put a smaller cardboard box on it. The free space is poured with concrete and we wait until it dries. You can later paint them or decorate them as you like, but nowadays raw and simple forms are very fashionable. If we want to make small pots, instead of cardboard boxes, we can use silicone forms for baking, you just need to grease them with vegetable oil so that the concrete does not stick to them.

If we dream of unusual pots, we can plant flowers in large, old, metal cars that once served as toys. Another cool idea for hanging flower pots can be metal buckets, pots, or colanders. The latter look great hung at different heights!

2. Lanterns will create a unique atmosphere

Today it is difficult to imagine a climatic garden without proper lighting. Of course you can buy ready-made solar lamps, but their quality and appearance leave much to be desired. A much better idea is to make lanterns by yourself. You can use jars of different sizes. It is worth sticking jute string to them and wrapping them entirely or just a fragment. If you wrap the string around the neck, you will make a handle that will allow you to carry or hang the lantern. Another interesting idea is to glue on lace and twigs or leaves. You can also paint the jars in a variety of colors – all you need is the right glass paint

Another very simple way to make a garden lantern is to take a large jar and pour white or colored pebbles on the bottom. Place a large candle on top and you are done. If you attach a string to the jar, you can attach it to a railing, for example

3. Ladder shelf for flowers or other decorations

Do you have an old ladder? It is worth giving it a second life. Just fix it to the wall so it won’t move and paint it in a color of your choice to match e.g. your garden furniture. Individual rungs will serve as shelves on which you can hang flowers or put other decorations to beautify your garden.

4. The pallet will be perfect as a table

Pallet furniture is a real hit these days. Especially that they are really easy to make. To make such a table, 2-4 pallets are enough (depending on how high you want it to be). We paint the pallet with a chosen color – the most popular nowadays is white. For this we can make “pallet seats”. Just fix two pallets superimposed on each other and nail one to them, which will act as a backrest. On top, it is worth putting colorful cushions so that you can sit on them comfortably.

5. Wooden slice coasters

Slices of wood are perfect coasters. You can put coffee or tea on smaller ones so as not to damage the table. The larger ones look great as coasters for lanterns or candles. Slices of wood can be painted with enamel. You can also use paint and give them any color you like, or even paint various patterns on them.

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