7 rules for taking care of your home monster
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7 rules for taking care of your home monster

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Each plant has its own requirements that must be followed. Growing a domestic monstera is not difficult. We suggest how to take care of it properly, so that it grows beautifully, is healthy and magnificent

Monstera is the most fashionable potted flower of recent months. Although it occurs naturally in South America, it can be found more and more often in our homes, also as a pattern on pillows, bedding, and even on clothing and paintings.

The attention is attracted mainly by its unique appearance – huge, dark green leaves with deep notches that get bigger with age. All this makes the monstera extremely decorative and perfect for any interior, regardless of the style in which it is decorated.

The monstera is a very decorative plant, which is perfect for any interior, no matter what style it is decorated in. Learn how to care for your monstera so that you can enjoy it for many years

The right soil is essential

When you decide to buy a monstera, you should be aware that it needs special soil. The best conditions will provide one with an addition of peat.

In addition, the soil must be permeable, so you can put some expanded clay at the bottom of the pot. It is obtained from clay and it works perfectly as a drainage. Thanks to it much more oxygen gets to the roots.

The pot is of great importance

The pot for a plant is like clothes for a person. It has to be just right – not too tight, but not too big either. Monsteras should be repotted into a larger pot once a year – preferably in spring.

The ideal pot should be stable, resistant to mechanical damage and visually match the interior. Or you can always put it in a decorative casing, which will meet the arrangement expectations.

The light or dark side of power?

Some plants like light, others don’t necessarily. What’s it like for monstera? It feels best in partial shade at room temperature.

If it is exposed to strong sunlight then its magnificent leaves can burn and discolor. On the other hand, if it is too dark, then its young leaves will lack notches.

How often should I water my monstera?

Water is life – not only for humans and animals, but also for plants. However, the monstera is not demanding in this regard. It is sufficient to water it twice a week in winter and once a week in summer.

However, it will not be a problem if you go on a two-week vacation during the vacations and no one provides water during that time. Just make sure that this does not happen too often.

Monstera likes sprinkling

Although the monstera is one of those plants that definitely does not tolerate water in the pot, it loves moist air. To give it the right conditions for growth, you should spray its leaves – just once a week or more often during the summer. Lack of regularity and consistency will cause the tips of the monstera leaves to start drying out.

You can also place a humidifier next to it. This solution will be especially useful during the heating season, when the air in the house is dry.

We say a definite “no” to dust

Monstera leaves need to take care of in one more way. It is to wipe the dust off them at least once a week. Just use a damp cloth and gently wipe each leaf, holding it from underneath. Do not do this too aggressively, so as not to damage them.

In addition, you can also use a gloss polish on the leaves, but not more than once every two months

Regular repotting

Monstera grows slowly but can reach an impressive size. If it is young, then it should be repotted once a year, for older specimens, every 3-5 years is sufficient, and only the top layer of soil should be replaced every year.

It should also be remembered that the monstera is a climber, so it can grow so large that it will be necessary to provide it with adequate support. A ladder, a stick or a stake wrapped in moss or coconut fibre will work well for this.

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